Direktlänk till inlägg 14 januari 2009

Invitation to self-awareness!

Av dennis hägglund - 14 januari 2009 20:59

Gullibility is an opiate. The one who tries to correct it will seem more cruel than kind this side of time's horizon.


Some thousands of years ago a nearly four billion year old process of evolution was interrupted in our species (and a few select other species we favored as pets and cattle) when we decided that the process of defying nature could be made more interesting than continuing to evolve. A means was invented for extending the range of our species, and improving upon this means, and thus extending our range perpetually, became a new star to follow, a new God perhaps. This precipitated a radical change in the mind, and especially in the human mind. On the one hand we had the mind as it was evolving, devoted utterly to evolution, which is to harmonizing with a growing and evolving diversity of living forms, and on the other we had the mental compartment, if we may call it that, which we would devote to what man could do for man if he established some order or regimen of allocating tasks which tasks taken together would produce a society with some potential for survival or coexistence with nature and with other societies.

In theory this was a practical development. Man seemed to himself an intelligent animal either way. He was an intelligent natural animal when he was living in nature, and he became an intelligent "person" when he devoted himself to human society. But has anyone ever questioned this theory seriously? Are there not some holes in it? Is it really possible to be intelligent in two ways: by behaving as if nature and its evolution is everything, "God's Plan" so to speak, and also in behaving as if nature and its evolution must make way for man and his "evolution". No doubt all of us have heard, from some people with respectable degrees from respectable schools, that man has been evolving since he abandoned nature; that leaving nature precipitated some extraordinary evolution in our species, while other people with equally respectable degrees from equally respectable schools have said that both man and nature have stopped evolving since man abandoned nature for a life as a rogue mammal, and that nature will resume evolving if man allows it to, releases it from bondage, while man is, as far as nature is concerned, an extinct ape and will never again evolve; that man is a mammal that can not be restored to nature, which is also true of the humble cow. In some species the pilot light of instinct has gone out, according to these less optimistic theorists (who have been taking into account the relatively recent discovery of "Eden Man", people who, while being exactly like us physically, have less in common with our ways of living than wild chimpanzees. The dictionary gives us: Homo sapiens 1. the species of bipedal primates to which modern humans belong, characterized by a brain capacity averaging 1400 cc (85 cubic in.) and by dependence upon language and the creation and utilization of complex tools. --while the chimps are more inclined to use language and tools than Eden Man, even though Eden Man does have this brain capacity. In short, remaining in the exact niche where evolution placed man to begin with, which is where he doesn't need or use clothes, shelters, words or tools of any kind did not keep his brain from growing big. The conscious has not made the brain grow. A big brain has more to do with how sensitive your skin is and how much of it is exposed than with how intelligent you are.).

Are there two perspectives: One where nature is looking at man's activities in disgust and another where man is looking at nature's activities with contempt. And if there are these two, is one of them intelligent, or are they both intelligent? And if one is intelligent, which one is it? (Certainly we don't believe that nature watches man's activities with approval! "Hurray! I'm extinct! Wonderful! Man is making my lungs bleed!") This is a question regarding the division of the human mind. The conscious precipitates the effect that the natural intelligence becomes subconscious. The new perspective precipitates the effect that the old comes into disuse. Contradictory perspectives do not coexist within the conscious ken.

How does a creature of nature get along? He applies an intelligence, but what is this intelligence; what is its medium? The conscious, which is man's way of getting along in human society, applies knowledge, experience and words. The adult conscious actually immerses him in a sea of words for all his waking hours. We can not seriously expect that the natural creature has anything akin to words in its processes, and so its processes are not sluggish. That is simple enough to understand. It needs words to slow the processes down, words that are being acted out, spoken for effect rather than because they are true or cogent. What is harder to understand is what knowledge and experience do to processes. If there is no knowledge and experience, is the subconscious process remotely related or similar to the conscious process? Knowledge and experience are introverted effects. We must collect them and refer to them, which means we must distract ourselves from the present to find out what we need to do, like a person who must look something up on a website or in a reference book. Without knowledge and experience there is no distraction from the present, and this is what is unimaginable to the conscious process, a mind that processes without distracting one from the present.

How can the present and the processing not conflict with each other? It may appear that there must be both and that the one must distract and detract from the observation of the other. But look at a recent science, a science in its infancy, 'body language'. There are two ways to deal with body language. One way, the conscious way, is to remember what each known posture of the body means, which means the observer must look at the posture and then refer what he observes to his memory, and the other is where there is an instantaneous perception of what the posture means so that observing the posture is not interrupted for even an instant while the observation is being processed. Looking at this rationally, the observed person is making a posture without trying to, and so the observer should be understanding its meaning without trying to. After all, the person doing the observing is also making body language all the time, and he is not conscious of it. Apparently it is the conscious that is the distraction. Get rid of that and everything is working smoothly...

...except for one thing: the subconscious is extremely critical of man's activities.

Is this clear? I am making body language all the time and so are you. Does this mean we both know how to make it but neither of us know how to read it? Or is reading it just as natural and unconsciously done as making it? Why this new science then, if we are already reading it subconsciously? Why does it belong in the conscious, as well as in the subconscious? Next we will be posturing consciously as well, which will defeat the whole purpose, like a veracity testing machine that lies.

What we are sure of is that body language, when it is not studied for effect, is being truthful. I say I love my mother but my body language testifies that I abhor her. It is true that I abhor her. We can rely on it. When we die we are reincarnated in hell, which is in our mother's care. Being afraid to die is being afraid of mothers, which is quite rational. So what we have to determine is if it is possible to have an intelligence that lies, or if it is a prerequisite of intelligence that it is truthful in the very best sense, a sense of not even being naïve.

Is it possible to make the conscious truthful? This is where knowledge and experience come in. Is knowledge true? Is experience true? Can we suspect all knowledge? Can we suspect all experience? Can the phenomenon of input itself be false, so that if it requires us to look inward, into memory, into the past, into the idea, then it is false? Consider astronomy, for example. If I distrust what I was taught about religion, this does not mean I necessarily distrust what I was taught about astronomy. I put religion down as superstition, and astronomy as science. But they are both input. So where is the lie of astronomy? It is simple. There is a cosmos above us. It gave us an evolving sense of its presence for nearly four billion years. Astronomy disregards this sense, and gives us a new cosmos, a cosmos that is appropriate to study as if it never made any better sense to us than it does to the scientists who are assembling the puzzle of cosmic parts and generating the new ideas from these structures as if nature were oblivious to the cosmos and science is the chore of generously enlightening the only species that can be enlightened.

Conscious is something dead giving us the dead version of everything else.

If only man can make sense of the cosmos then only man deserves to live on, and any other planet in the cosmos that does not have man on it deserves to be plundered to death. Science is destroying the bond between man and nature, as if man's evolution were some sort of primordial larval stage. Like Adam from the Old Testament (Judeo-Christian scriptures), science gives us a nature that is scarcely worthy to be sacrificed on an altar. This again has to do with what is instantaneously perceived. If we instantaneously perceive that nature is profound and inspired we can not make ourselves conscious of it, and if what is profound and inspired about ourselves is what nature evolved us to be rather than what man has conditioned us to be we can not make ourselves conscious of it. Conscious can not regard life in an unconditioned perspective. Conscious is purely an invention of our authorities. We are tailor made to serve older generations, like dogs made to herd sheep.

How is experience like knowledge? If you see me and I am making a face that seems nonchalant, what do you see as far as what lodges in your conscious or memory? You see a man who is nonchalant. But why am I consciously making you see me as nonchalant? It is because I am actually quite perturbed! I have reasoned out that to show you how perturbed I am would place me at a disadvantage. So now your experience tells you that I was not perturbed. This is a gullible conclusion. And your power to get past this is subconscious. You can not make your conscious less gullible. You can not accumulate less gullible input. Like body language, you can only do it truthfully from your subconscious, which is from evolution, from being a wild animal. The truth is told or expressed only subconsciously, and it is heard or seen, perceived in short, only subconsciously. Why is this animal gift subconscious? Because we are no use to authority if we are still functioning on all cylinders. We are not exactly cattle, because our ingenuity is our greatest gift, and we will not apply that unless we believe we are serving ourselves.

There is a great celebrity in the music branch. An idol. All the budding teens adore him, except those few who have spent some time with him. The ones who know him too intimately hate him, grew disgusted with him. Why? Because he is a monster, of course. And they made him a monster. They took an ordinary brat and made a monster of him. How much would it be worth to love someone and find that no matter how intimately you knew him and no matter for how long, your love would only grow? Only the subconscious has this gift. Only the subconscious knows who this is and why it is this way; why it has to be just those, and not the ones in the spotlight.

The old adage is that familiarity inevitably breeds contempt. And what is the opposite of familiarity? Besides novelty! Since novelty relies too heavily on naivety. It is evolution. No one is ever the same. Not only are they consistently good; they are always better. The best any person, cat or dog could ever be is consistent. Not so the wild creatures.

And why just the wild creatures? Because one law applies. Diversity challenges the social intelligence. If we are the same we do not provide the gift of challenge. Harmony and order are actually opposites. Same things can develop order, while only diversity can develop harmony. We love things because they refuse to become more like us; they insist on becoming less like us. Love exists because it is never the same. It is always challenged. When people love each other it is because, together, they love the other species.

Conditioning takes time. We have to meet authority. We have to imprint upon authority. We have to be instructed in how to serve. So there is a time in life when we are less conditioned, almost unconditioned. And how does one agree with an unconditioned person, a baby? It is as simple as this: love the other species. It is what babies do. A baby may hate that it is hungry for too long, or thirsty, or itchy or generally uncomfortable, but what it hates more than anything is that it hears, in ways we can not be conscious of, an invitation to encounter other species, or perhaps the cosmos, and its feet will not move it. Mother is the baby's feet! Like being cut in half, the lower half having died in the process.

The conscious has no real past. It is something that exists through authority's trickery. There is a real past. We begin whole and diminish. The real past is to recover the whole through penetrating the trickery. The trickery can not penetrate itself. Look at modern psychology. It is all about how the conscious will come to understand the unconscious and the subconscious. The fact is the subconscious is an ocean of perception. Putting drops of pseudo-understanding into a bucket is futile when there is already an ocean of perception waiting for a small upgrade.


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Av dennis hägglund - 26 januari 2009 03:20

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Av dennis hägglund - 20 januari 2009 03:04

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Av dennis hägglund - 15 januari 2009 20:52

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